How to Clean Up Social Media Permissions?

When you are signing in to many online applications you must be using facebook or twitter authentication. Once you do that those apps are getting a certain level of permission to access your data in those social profiles and they will be mentioning during the authentication process.

After years of online life you must have given a long list of apps to access your social media data. If you take a closer look you will figure out that there are apps you didn’t use in months. So it’s a good idea to unlink them from your social profiles. But, how to do it?

All those social networks are providing you an interface to manage linked applications. For that you have to go to each and every app and revoke unwanted permission. That might be pretty painful. Don’t worry! Here is a cool app to do it in an easy way.


How to Use MyPermissions.Org?

  • Go to
  • There you can see set of icons for several online social networks and services.
  • Simply click on a icon and it will take you directly to permission settings in that social network or app.
  • If you are not signed in to that app you will be prompt to do that.
  • Then all you have to do is revoke unnecessary permissions.
  • You can do this for all your social profiles and apps.

It’s as simple as that. If you didn’t clean up permissions in your social profile recently, you will definitely be surprised once you see the list of permissions you have granted. It’s highly recommended to clean up those at least once a month.

Tags: #Security #Social Networks