How to Give Meaningful Data to Google about Your Web Pages?

Google has become the largest search engine ever on earth. All the webmasters know that a large part of the organic traffic that comes to your website is from Google. In the early stage major strength in Google search engine was Page Ranking Algorithm which shows us the best pages at the top of search result.

With time it evolved to be an even smarter search engine. Today it’s assessing best pages based on more than 200 signals. Practically if a page is good for a human, it’s good for Google. So most of the SEO techniques internet marketers used for years have become obsolete.

Google is continuing to collect detailed and meaningful information about your web pages. Most of the decisions are taken based on visible content in the page. But in some special cases you can add Meta information (not keywords or description) to guide Google to retrieve exact data about your page. This is very useful to create rich snippet in search results which will definitely increase click through rates.

Let’s go and figure out how to give meaningful data to Google search engine using two different techniques. Proper application of these techniques will give a competitive advantage in the very noisy WWW and of course give you more visitors.


Google Webmaster Markup

Here what you have to do is include few more HTML tags to further explain content in your web pages. Google has released few markup formats and supported types of content such as Reviews, people, recipes, music etc.

Once you do that your pages will be displayed in search results as shown below with extra details.


Visit this page from Google web master tools and check out below video to start with Google webmaster Markup.

Google Data Highlighter

This is actually an alternative for the previous webmaster markup. Here you don’t have to change any of the code in your web pages. Instead you can show important data in your web pages by highlighting them and labeling. Then Google is automatically creating rich snippet for that web page.

Best part here is that you don’t have to do this for all the pages. Google automatically understand the pattern of data and automatically highlight data in all the other pages. All you have to do is verify them and submit. You can do all those with Google data highlighter tool. Watch this video to get a clear picture for you to start with.

Hope these tips would be helpful to improve search engine presence of your websites and most importantly to improve conversion rate.

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Tags: #Google #SEO #Web