Video Games – How to Learn With Pleasure

Playing computer games fulfils a basic human need for fantasy. A human psyche that does not indulge in fantasy can become very unhealthy. It can lead to self destructive behavior, perversion, or worse. Video games allow people to indulge in fantasy in a harmless way and a safe setting. But, video gaming goes far further than that.

Now, a gamer may socialize via video games. It is possible to create groups of friends and participate in games remotely. The most well known platform for this is World Of Warcraft. However, there are actually hundreds of games where people may connect with their friends and either challenge them or join with them to complete the game. A shy student with few friends may create a UK best essays and get no credit, and yet can be a god (or goddess) on a video game. There are even micro economies where people may work hard in battles and quests in order to gain objects that they sell or swap for better ones.


The World of Warcraft

Even games such as WOW are now having a positive effect on children. The quest and commerce nature of the game is showing people that hard work can help you to accumulate the things that you want. Teachers have even noticed that historical and questing games are helping students to retain information that they can apply to their  essays or their studies. They cannot get their students to engage in class, but the same students will happily recite historical facts they heard on computer games.


This is another game that has massive potential to teach children in a way that has otherwise never been thought of. Simple physics is a boring and lifeless subject in classrooms, but Minecraft turns theory into reality. People did not even know that something such as gravity could change until they started playing the space version of Angry Birds.


Being taught something in a virtual environment was supposed to be the way of the future, and yet here we are in the year 2013 and children are still learning by memorizing things from text books. Memory and retention should not just come from books or from reading the best UK essay writing services reviews. It should come from real world experience. But, because real world experience is restrictive or impractical, it seems only logical that virtual environments take its place. Children can handle complex economies on computer games, so why stop at computer games? If they were able to relate it back to their text books then they would find the whole concept a lot more interesting.

Video games being excluded from education are just a waste of a very good opportunity to engage with students. Take economics for example; with games like SimCity, or even with a command and conquer game, a Sims incarnation or a Tycoon game, children are heavily interested in the economics of their game. But, if you put an economics book in front of them they would get bored. Schools should incorporate gaming into the learning process.

For example, can you imagine the rampant enthusiasm that children would have in class, if their text books gave information that would help them play their games? If they could get better objects or get to higher levels if they applied the concepts from their text books onto their games? Can you imagine the top British essays that may come about if the student had been learning every time he or she plays a video game?

Author Emily Lucas from

Tags: #Gaming