How Internet Skills Can Save You Money

The amount of money you can save when you sign up for freebies from various retailers and manufacturers is staggering. If you take the time to sign up for programs that will send you free products in the mail, as well as free coupons, the effort will pay off in the future.

A surprising number of people don’t sign up for these types of programs. Why? Maybe they feel like it is simply too much work. Those who don’t think the workload is too heavy often think that the free products and coupons aren’t all that great a deal. Others are concerned that their mailboxes, both real and virtual, will start to fill up with nothing but spam. Still more people would sign up if they knew where to start, but aren’t really sure where they should begin.


The reality is that it might not really be worth it to sign up for only one of these programs, but if you sign up for enough of them you will find that your overall expenses will start to drop quite dramatically if they are the types of products that you already use on a regular basis.

Before filling prescriptions at the pharmacy, make sure to check out for coupons. (I’ve personally saved almost $150 in the past year alone!)

By following a few basic principles, you can make the most out of this strategy for saving money on the internet.

  1. Start by looking for information sources that reliably provide people with the latest offers. You will most likely find the best results by searching Facebook and other social networks for socially branded websites. Stay away from advertisement-centric sites. It’s important to receive recommendations from blogs, forums, and websites that are authoritative and won’t mislead you.
  2. Set up a new and separate email accounts specifically for each programs. (Setting up a new Gmail account is easy!) Why is this important? Spam emails quickly accumulate and this way your personal inbox will stay organized and clutter-free. I recommend setting up a different account for each program you decide to enroll in; however, one email for all of them will suffice.
  3. It is a good idea to set up an automatic form filler on your internet browser. This allows you to automatically complete each form so that you don’t have to waste time entering in the same basic information every time you sign up for a new program. It won’t necessarily work every time, but in most cases it will.

Simple, right? You’ll be saving money before you know it if you follow these simple steps! Remember to only sign up for products that you need. It is easy to get ‘sucked in’ to the incredible deals available online. Don’t sign up for everything just because it’s free. Do you really need it? Will you really use it? Be honest with yourself so you don’t go coupon crazy.

Tags: #Internet #Money