How to Merge Duplicate Facebook Pages?

Facebook has recently carried out lots of revamping to make the Facebook experience smoother and cleaner. They introduced time-line interface, then offered us the choice to make our fan page a time-line, then recently high resolution photo viewer as well.

With all those, you can smooth your Facebook experience as well. Just think you have few fan pages for the same product or business and managing them would be a real pain. You have no way to discard few pages and keep one since you don’t like to lose your fan base.


There is a built in feature in Facebook fan pages which lets you merge the fan bases in two different pages. You can try this to save time that you have to spend for different duplicate pages.

Steps to Follow

  • First make sure all the duplicate pages are having the same name.
  • Then go to the Primary Facebook page you need to keep in long run.
  • Go to Admin Panel -> Manage -> Edit Page -> Resources -> Develop your page.
  • Only if you have duplicate pages under same name, you will be able to see the option Merge duplicate pages as shown below.


  • Click on Merge duplicate pages.
  • It will give you below pop up.


  • Check in the pages you need to merge and click Merge Pages.
  • It will take you to below Popup.


  • There you can see a warning stating that only your likes and check-ins will be merged not the content. Content in the duplicate pages will be permanently deleted, so be careful and make sure there are no important content.
  • If you have any content that need to be merged, you have to upload them manually to primary fan page.
  • Once you click Merge Pages it will show you below confirmation.


  • Now your pages have been successfully merged.

Here after you won’t be able to access the duplicate pages. But their fans will be re directed to your primary page. Your fans who were in duplicate pages probably won’t feel a difference even after getting re-directed to your primary page since it’s having the same name. In order to avoid any possible confusion you can update a status and let the fans know about the merge.

Tags: #Facebook