How to Share Email Address Publicly and Block Spam?

Spam email is major problem in modern communication which no one could solve so far. Most of email services have very sophisticated algorithms especially in Gmail to identify spam. But still it’s not a perfect solution. Couple of annoying spam email appears in my inbox every day.

Publishing email address in a publicly accessible web page is like sending open invitation to al the spammers in the world. But as a web content creator or as a webmaster you have to do it to keep close contact with readers. Normally what you do is obfuscate email address when you publish it

Ex: Malinda [at] NOG [dot] com

The objective here is make this readable by humans but not by spam bots. But spam bots are getting smarter. So this is not a good solution anymore. So I was looking for a better solution to share email address in a public web page with a spam shield. Finally I found a simple solution and it’s


How to Use Scr.Im?

What basically does is save your email address and create a webpage to display it with a unique URL. In order to view the email address you have to go through a challenge response. Let’s take a closer look.

  • Go to home page.
  • There you can see 2 fields, one to add your email address and another to customize URL.
  • If you leave 2nd box it will give you random URL.
  • Finally click on protect my email.
  • Then it will take you to sharing options page. There you can get direct URL, HTML embed code as well as forum code.
  • Once someone clicks on your email address shared, it will take him to challenge response page. On successful response only he will be able to see your actual email address.

This is a way better and secured way to share your email in web pages and social media. With you have the guaranty that any spam bot won’t be able to see your email address. Try this on your contact page, bog post, Facebook or in a forum and stay away from annoying spam.

Tags: #Email #Gmail #Share #Spam