Private File Sharing With SenduIt

Recently I was talking a lot about the cloud storage war between DropBox, Google Drive and SkyDrive. Yes they are providing amazing service and having a good competition in the market.

Quick Catch-up

Though you have those advanced file storing, syncing and sharing services, sometime you need simple file sharing solutions as well. In that case you need light weight tool which can be handled without much advanced functionalists.

Most importantly when you are sharing files, sometimes you need a link with expiry date. All of the above cloud storage services are giving public and private file sharing service, but in the case you forget to deactivate the link after using it, it will be there forever.


There is a simple file sharing service named SenduIt, which is allowing you to upload a file and share a private link with the unique feature expiration time for the link.

How to Use SenduIt?

  • Visit SenduIt home page.
  • There you will be able to see the file uploading component.
  • Click on choose file and locate it on your computer.
  • Here comes the magic, in the next drop down menu you can select the expiration time. Select it as you need.
  • Finally click upload.
  • It will show you a progress bar during the file upload process.
  • Once the upload process complete it will give you file sharing link.
  • Along with the upload link it will tell you the expiration date and file size.
  • Further, it provides facility for you to email the link.

Maximum file size allowed with SenduIt is 100MB. This allowance is more than enough for this kind of private file sharing. The beauty of this service, it all comes for free and you won’t even have to sing in to use the full functional version of the tool.

Try this tool, share few files with friends, check whether expiration features I working properly for all the give time ranges and share your finding with Notes Of Genius community.

Tags: #Files #Security #Share