Weigh Up Your Social Media Influencing Power with Klout

In society different people are having different point of views. Some people are capable of gathering followers around their point of views. We call them leaders. They are influential, trend setting and very rare. Majority of people are following influential people and think based on their ideas.

In the last decade our social experiences went online. With the improvement of social networks we are doing most of the social activities online. There, people are expressing their point of views as a status message, images or some other media. Some content are getting lots of feedback and some are not. If your content are getting lots of feedback, that indicates that you are an influential person on Social media.


Is there any way to measure your influential power on social media and compare it with other people? Of course it will be difficult and you have to consider lots of factors. Fortunately there is an online application named Klout which is measuring your influential power on social media monitoring your social activities.

Start Using Klout

Create an Account

Before you measure your influential power with Klout, you have to create an account for you. Follow the below steps for that.

  • Go to Klout Home page.
  • They are offering you two options to sign in, with Twitter of Facebook. Select one as appropriate.
  • Provide the necessary permissions.
  • That’s it. Now you have a Klout account

Connect Social Networks

Now you have to let the Klout to access your social activities. That’s how it figures out your influential power which is called as Klout Score. If you have, sign in with twitter, it will be automatically connected to Klout, same with Facebook.

But that’s not enough. If you need to get more accurate influential power score you have to connect all the social networks you are actively using. Follow the below steps for that.

  • The easiest way to add network is by clicking on social icons on Home page.


  •  Click on any icon to proceed with that network connection.
  • You can do the same in Settings page which can be accessed by top navigation bar drop down menu.
  • There you have a section for Connected networks and list of supported networks.


  • Click on connect now to proceed for each network.
  • You have to authorize Klout with each network during the connecting process.
  • After connecting all your social account, your home page would looks like this.


  • Now go to Profile to see your score analysis. However it might take couple of days for klout to come up with final score.

Things in Profile Page

Score Analysis

You can access this in your profile page and it explains about the total influential power. It shows you a graph with variation of your Klout score over a period of time. The factors that it considered to calculate klout score are mentioned below the graph.


Then you can see more graphs there.

True Reach: How many people you influence in social media

Amplification: How much you influence people

Network Impact: How many influential people you influence

These factors gives you a clear picture about how influential are you on social media.


Here it’s displaying a list of topics that you are influential about. Some of the topic are algorithmically selected and you also can add your own topics. However, if Klout comes to know that you are not any more influential about a topic it will be automatically removed.

Along with the topic it’s stating your influential power in that topic as a status bar.



Here you can see a list of people you influence and you got influenced. Those lists are auto selected by Klout and you can manually add an influencer by clicking on the button Add an influencer.


You can create a list for your Klout contacts for easy management. This is as same as in twitter and you can see what are the lists other people have added you in to.

Klout Style

This is one of the interesting parts that you can see in Klout. There you can see your social media style and its auto generated by an Algorithm. According to my observation, its accuracy is very high.

There is a matrix and each section has a unique name representing social media style. There you can see your style and your friend style as well.



Here you can participate in perks and receive cool things for free. You get perks based on your Klout score.



Here you can see a list of Achievement you made in Klout.


Wrapping Up

Klout is a very interesting tool that I found to measure and benchmark your online social activities. Using this you can get a clearer picture about your behavior in online communities. Further, you can use this as an insight to improve your presence on Social media.

If you like to read more about Klout and how it works click here and carefully read through pages.

I suggest you to start using Klout connect all your social networks in to this and see how influential are you on social media. I’m pretty sure that Klout score will make you rethink about your social media life.

Soon I’ll meet you guys with another descriptive guide about “How to improve your Influential power on social media“.

Tags: #Social Networks