Net2ftp – Most Popular Online FTP Client

If you own a website or is managing one you must have made use of a FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client to upload and download files. Typically you might be having a FTP client application installed in your workstation such as Filezilla.

But suppose you are away from your desk, maybe on the way home, or on a long holiday and suddenly your boss would call and request you to do a critical change to a file in the site. If you have no access to a machine pre installed with a FTP client anywhere near, you will have to face some trouble. But here is a smart solution for FTP requirements on the go –


Net2Ftp is a web based FTP client that enables you to login to your file server from anywhere in the world anytime of the day. You can access it from any machine with an internet connection or through your smartphone.

How to Use?

  • First enter your host IP address.
  • Leave the port as it is unless a different port is specified in your settings.
  • Enter your normal FTP login details.
  • Select the preferred language and choose the skin as well based on your device preference.
  • Enter the initial directory if you are aware, if not it will automatically go to the initial directory.
  • Click login and there you go!

screenshot 01-

With Net2Ftp you can upload and download files in your server. Furthermore, this service will give you the options to zip and extract files, edit files online in a syntax highlighted editor and many more.

screenshot 02 –

What’s Hot

There are several catchy features in Net2Ftp that you would be interested in knowing.

The best news is, Net2Ftp is integrated into many popular CMS (Content Management Systems) like Jhoomla, Drupal, Mambo etc enabling you easy transfer of files from anywhere.

Also this has been translated into more than 15 languages which make it usable to many people all over the world.

Net2Ftp comes in different skins too for you to choose from according to your preference.

Privacy and Protection

Net2Ftp is not an irresponsible online service. It keeps track of your interactions and provides you several security mechanisms. If you think someone has accessed your server without authorization, you can complain to this service and they will provide the IP addresses which accessed your file server for the past two weeks.

Also they can ban access from net2ftp to your file server upon your request. There are more security features such as banning keywords to prevent scam uploads etc.

It is true that you can access and manage your file server through the administrator panel too (like cPanel). But that access is limited only to the administrators. However you might have other people who do changes to files, upload, download content but you can’t give them Admin panel access too. Therefore at times like that you can give restricted access to those personnel and enable them to access the server through Net2Ftp.

This is a really usable, secured site which is considered as highly reliable. If you have any experience with this service, do share with us here at NOG.

Tags: #Files #Web

Know Your Computer’s Details with SupportDetails.Com

In olden days, a computer was a machine utilized by highly techy people. They used specific commands to operate the computers and they knew how to fix it when something goes wrong. However with time people of different competencies, professions and ages started to use computers to perform their work efficiently. And today about two thirds of the computer users are non-techy people.


Coming to our topic today, what would you, as a general user, do when something goes wrong with your computer? Usually you would ask your techy brother or friend to check what the problem is or you would simply contact the Technical Support Desk. And normally in order to clarify the problem, they will shower you with hundreds of questions about the technical details of your computer like “What is your IP Address?”, “What is your screen resolution?” etc.

But most of the time you don’t know the answers to these questions and you might fall into even more trouble trying to find them out. But here’s your one-click solution to all those problems – is an amazingly simple website designed by Imulus. As soon as you load the site you will find all the configuration details you needed to know about your computer in one page! You just simply have to send it to the Technical support team.


This website allows you to obtain the configuration details in several ways.

Export to CSV

At the bottom of the page you will find a button named ‘Export CSV’. Just click on that and you can download all the details in an excel file.


Export to PDF

Next to the above button is another one called ‘Export PDF’. You can download the PDF version of the configuration details by clicking on that.


Send via Email

This is the most important function in this website. At the top of the page there is a simple form to fill in your name, email and the recipient’s email. By hitting ‘Send Details’ button you can email the configuration details straightaway to the Tech Support team.


With, calling for technical help will not be a nightmare anymore.

Tags: #Desktop #Notebook #OS

Shop by Color – A Whole New Way Of Shopping

With many businesses going online, people nowadays spend less time going out on shopping expeditions and browse through shops for hours. When you shop online, what you would usually do is, go to the particular site and browse for the goods based on category.

Ex. I want to buy a pair of black skinny legged jeans. What I would probably do is, go to the apparel category, then to the ladies section and brows through the jeans collection for the jeans of my requirement.

There will probably be other searching criteria as well, such as sorting the goods by price, size, occasion etc. But what I’m going to talk about today defines a whole new shopping experience to online shoppers – Shopping By Color.


Remember the times you wanted to find a pair of shoes that goes with your newly bought dress? Or a matching belt for your Armani suit? You might have searched many a number of online stores wasting hours and hours but end up failing most of the time.

I recently stumbled across a great shop-by-color experience at Etsy calls themselves as “world’s handmade marketplace”. Try the site out for yourself and enjoy the experience.

  • Go to
  • At the bottom of the left side bar you will find a section called “ways to shop”
  • Select “shop by color”. You will find an interactive dotted color palette with many shades.
  • Click on the shade you prefer and products similar to the selected color will appear as a photo pile.


Developed with HTML5, this gives a quite interactive, more personalized shopping experience.

There are other websites too out there which uses the same concept. Here are some I came across with:

    Like has a wide variety of products that are sorted by color. However has joined hands with Google Products and pretty soon we will be able to experience a huge revolution in shopping.

Add To Your Business

How would you like to add this novel shopping experience to your business? No need to think twice. There’s an amazing product you can now add to your site developed by Picitup has several products that offer great functionality to your business. But if you are looking only for color shopping service, then PicColor is the one for you!

You can purchase the product, integrate it with your business and enhance the shopping experience.


This summer shop differently, sell differently and most importantly share your experience with us here at NotesOfGenius.

Tags: #Business #E Commerce

How to Quickly Share a Source Code Online?

When you are doing web development and any other software development, as the first thing you’ll setup collaborative code editing environment. There all your team members can access the source code, view it, version it and edit in a controlled way. In such an environment sharing code with your team members is just one click away.

But most of the web developers are working in their bed rooms and garages today. Most of the time, they are working alone and connected with online development communities. There you have to share your source code, maybe part of it, with a friend to get a feedback.

No problem, you can send the source code as a .txt file and anyone can open it. When you are coding IDEs they are adding different styling such as keyword highlighting and grouping. If you send a .txt file none of those will be there make the code pretty hard to read.

Is there any way to share a source code online with IDE styling? I was looking for answer to this problem and here we go with the solution.


Getting Started with

  • Go to
  • There you have a big text box
  • Past your code there.
  • Hit on get my URL.
  • Share the given URL with anyone.
  • When your friend viewing the shared code he can select language.


  • Then code viewer will apply all the relevant styling.


  • In the code viewer you options to copy it to clipboard and print.

This is a very light weight and very less complicated method to quickly share code online with your friends. The only problem I faced here is I have no way to specify the programming language when I’m sharing the code. The default viewing is always plain text. If TextSnip developers could add this options it will be a complete quick code sharing tool.

Try TextSnip to share your code quickly with your fellow developers and tell me what you feel about it as a comment below.

Tags: #CSS #HTML #PHP #Web

3 Most Common PHP Errors You Should Know To Fix

There were times in my coding life where I’ve wasted a great deal of time to find a solution for some error when I could have easily figured it out myself if I looked closely at the code. But I know eyes can be deceiving after spending hours and hours on the same code, so minute errors would be the last to notice.

You must have been there and done that too. So here I will be listing down 3 most common errors (and warnings) found in PHP and possible fixes so that you won’t have to spend even a minute scratching your head and ‘googling’ for solutions!


#1 : Headers Already Sent

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie – headers already sent by (output started at /home/notes99/public_html/

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/notes99/public_html/

This is actually a warning rather than an error which is mostly encountered with session_start() and header() functions.

And those who don’t know the solution might be amazed to hear that it can occur with just a misplaced white space!

Yes, if you come across this the next time check your code immediately whether there are any white spaces, empty lines or any form output is sent before the ‘


#2 : Session Variable Not Accessible


If you are dealing with session variables you must have come across with this error at least once in your life time.

Simply this ‘Undefined variable’ error occurs when you are trying to access a session variable without calling session_start() . So whenever you are accessing sessions, make sure you place session_start() as the first thing in your php script.

#3 : Unexpected T_ error


This is a very common syntax error that frequents in PHP coding.

When you come across such error, all you have to do is to check for a missing semi-colon, quotation mark or a parenthesis in the line number mentioned or immediately above that.

Also be thorough with the opening and closing of blocks (i.e. if’s, while’s, for’s)

It’s as simple as that!

My objective was to give you a basic understanding of these common errors/warnings so that you can identify and fix them as soon as you spot without wasting your valuable time searching for solutions. If you have any more suggestions for common errors do share with us here.

Tags: #PHP

How to Share Email Address Publicly and Block Spam?

Spam email is major problem in modern communication which no one could solve so far. Most of email services have very sophisticated algorithms especially in Gmail to identify spam. But still it’s not a perfect solution. Couple of annoying spam email appears in my inbox every day.

Publishing email address in a publicly accessible web page is like sending open invitation to al the spammers in the world. But as a web content creator or as a webmaster you have to do it to keep close contact with readers. Normally what you do is obfuscate email address when you publish it

Ex: Malinda [at] NOG [dot] com

The objective here is make this readable by humans but not by spam bots. But spam bots are getting smarter. So this is not a good solution anymore. So I was looking for a better solution to share email address in a public web page with a spam shield. Finally I found a simple solution and it’s


How to Use Scr.Im?

What basically does is save your email address and create a webpage to display it with a unique URL. In order to view the email address you have to go through a challenge response. Let’s take a closer look.

  • Go to home page.
  • There you can see 2 fields, one to add your email address and another to customize URL.
  • If you leave 2nd box it will give you random URL.
  • Finally click on protect my email.
  • Then it will take you to sharing options page. There you can get direct URL, HTML embed code as well as forum code.
  • Once someone clicks on your email address shared, it will take him to challenge response page. On successful response only he will be able to see your actual email address.

This is a way better and secured way to share your email in web pages and social media. With you have the guaranty that any spam bot won’t be able to see your email address. Try this on your contact page, bog post, Facebook or in a forum and stay away from annoying spam.

Tags: #Email #Gmail #Share #Spam

Did You Try Joomla 1.6 CMS?

Joomla is one of the most popular web content management systems commonly known as a CMS. It allows you to start a web site with minimum technical knowledge and effort in a minimum amount of time. The primary objective of such a CMS would be to separate the content of the web site from its technological design, so any non technical content writer could update the website without the help of a web developer.

Joomla provide all the above general functions to the users and many more including SEO friendliness and uncountable number of extensions/templates. So it always used to stand tall among CMS’. And It comes totally free and having very active development community and user community online. Therefore it was developing rapidly and users always get answers for their issue quickly.  With all those pluses, Joomla was moving ahead, evolving to be the CMS in internet.

Recently Joomla community introduced Joomla 1.6 which attracted web developers as well as web content writers including website owners. If you take a deeper look you will figure out that, Joomla 1.6 is not just an ‘Upgrade’ like previous version evolution. It’s more than that!


Server Requirement

The most significant thing in Joomla 1.6 is it doesn’t work with old school web hosts. The minimum requirement of host Joomla is,

I see this as a really good step and minimum requirement would be satisfied by any decent web hosting service provider. In the development side, Joomla community will be able to use new technological advancement and provide smooth and nice product experience to users. If you are in an Old school web host, and planning to use Joomla 1.6 CMS, I guess time is ripe to move to a new decent web host.

What’s New?

More Control

The coolest feature in Joomla 1.6 which will attract the most is its controllability. It has taken the user permission to the next level. You can create user groups and assign permission to each group. Give privileges will be cascade to entire member of the group. This comes handy because most of the commercial web pages contents are uploaded my many people probably paid staff. And site admin need to give access to each section only for specific set of writers. With this each user will be able to see only his part of the web site to edit or may be view. Same would happen with administrative back and. Therefore this will be jump ahead in Joomla CMS and definitely this will contribute a lot to its future popularity and success.

URL Redirect Manager

This is another new feature in Joomla 1.6 and this URL redirect manager allows you to develop advanced routing between different site URLs. These redirecting may be static or may be depending on HTTP header details. If you need to direct entire traffic of URL ‘A’ to URL ‘B’ that will be a static redirection and you could modify the HTTP header after the redirection. Using this module you will be able to direct all your 404 errors to a nice page without letting user know something went wrong.

More impressively this provides built in tiny URL system. Hence you won’t have to use third party services to get your URL shorten. URL redirect manger will do it for you right inside your web application. In this case you might have to come up with creative sub domain configuration to make it better looking. The most important thing here will be you don’t have to depend on some other third party service and you will have the total control.

Multi Language Support

As always new Joomla also equipped with Multilingual support. You will be able to give a drop down menu to your user to change the language instantly by him. However to get this done you might have to create separate content for each language to get the optimum result why automated translators doesn’t always do a great job for all languages.

Most importantly new multi language support feature will allow you to create separate specific segments for each language. If you have some part of the web site that would be visible if language is selected to ‘French’ and that is irrelevant to ‘English’ , such kind of thing would be able to control using this new feature.

Components and Extensions

This could be a bad news as well as good news for both users and developers. Old Joomla extensions won’t work with Joomla 1.6 as long as it comes with totally different architecture. This will be a bad news for general non technical users because they will have to look for new version of extensions which are compatible with Joomla 1.6 and it will be good news for developers since they will get a room to come up with better creative extensions with new architecture.

However, I believe that this is a good move. In most of community development, developers are thinking about the old version of applications and its existence. But it only stagnate the evolution of the product and won’t let the developers to move on with advance tech. So, If you planning to move to (not upgrade) Joomla 1.6, account this fact as well.

Unlimited Nested Categories

This is a Joomla community request for a long and finally it’s been delivered by development community. Now you don’t have hard coded depth for your category hierarchy. You could create a nested category inside another category till infinity. This is really cool and expands the usability scope of Joomla. Most importantly this will be helpful for non technical users to manage their complex content without aid of a developer with much more flexibility.

Menu Structure

Joomla 1.6 comes to advance menu system management. It allows you to assign a page or even a module to a menu item. Further the management of menu hierarchy is made so easy for any one. The one of most important thing, Meta data management of menu item is been optimized and make it much more flexible. Top most important this is accessibility and visibility of menu item have taken to a unquestionable perfection level. Hence any level of user will be able to come up with user friendly as well as SEO friendly navigation structure for his web site.

Move to Joomla 1.6

As you could see from the above facts take your existing website to Joomla 1.6 is not just a simple upgrade. You will have to move entire web content to the new system to feel the power of Joomla 1.6. However, if you are starting a new web site, you can simply getting start with latest version of Joomla.

In the website migration process you will have to think about the web host first, whether it meet the minimum requirement of Joomla 1.6. In here you don’t have to worry about the capability of server computer hardware, it just software you have to taken in to account. Yet, with the increasing traffic you will have to look for better hardware and it won’t affect your Joomla website anyway. If your web host meets the requirement you will have to think about the extensions as well. You have to look for whether they have Joomla 1.6 compatible versions. If all set you are good to move!


Though Joomla is taking its shape to a perfect CMS with its version 1.6, it’s having tough completion in the CMS world. Drupal would be its main competitor. Most of the people say that Drupal is easy to understand and get on rather than Joomla. I personally don’t agree with it, yet I can’t deny the fact since many people made the same complain. So it will be good advantage for Drupal against Joomla.

Then comes the most popular blogging CMS, WordPress. It’s specialized for Blogging yet, it won’t stop you using it as a website CMS. It’s having entire features to develop a decent website including templates, plug-ins and other features almost same as Joomla. And installation is just few clicks and any non technical person would be able to move on with it. Learning curve of the CMS is also lesser. So there is a possibility that WordPress come out of its frame and give a significant challenge to Joomla.

SimpleCMS is another product out there which could give a solid head on challenge to Joomla. It give a very user-friendly interface to add and modify content. All you have to do is just click on the content after logging as authorized user. It will simply take you to edit mode and after saving things goes live. Same as Its name its ‘Simple’! And installation process is also very less complicate. Hence it was gaining raid popularity among web site administrators.

Further Evolution

Joomla will continue to evolve with its active development community. Probably they will look in to make it more users friendly to make it even easier for non technical users. Especially the installation script will come with less complicated mechanism. Content editing, page structure editing and navigation are already at the top as I can see. With all these Joomla will be able to solve the common complain ‘Significant learning curve’

Plug in and template availability is always a plus point for Joomla and it will continue with Joomla 1.6 as well. There might be some compatibility issues, but they will be solved soon. And there will be more extensions and more templates with this continuous evolution of Joomla. With all these Its taking its shape to be THE best web CMS.

Tags: #CMS #Joomla

Samsung Android Camera – Expanding Galaxy Family

2012 IFA conference was a very important event for Samsung. They introduced Samsung ATIV S, the windows Phone, Windows RT tablets and many more devices. Out of those entire lot one amazing gadget took all my attention.

It’s a camera, but it’s having Android, Wi-fi and a huge HD display. We have seen Smartphone with built-in camera. But this is a camera which is having most of the features of Smartphone. This is actually a path breaking change in point and shoot camera history. Samsung Galaxy Camera, the new member of Galaxy family, is under NOG Spotlight today.


Feature Highlight


Design is like any other point and shoot camera but it’s very thin and weighs only 305g. On right hand side there is a grip to hold it steady and on top of that there is a shutter button and power button. Rear panel is clean and having only a huge 4.8 touch screen. In front panel you can find zoom lens.  It’s a smooth and clean design, sharing common design concepts of Samsung.


Processor and Storage

The camera comes with 1.4 GHz Quad Core processor running on Exynos chipset. It’s having 8 GB internal memory, expandable via microSD slot. Configuration is almost same as high end Android Smartphone. It’s having pop up flash to take photos in low light conditions.

Optics and Sensor

In a camera the most important part is optics and image sensor. Samsung Galaxy camera is having 16 MP CMOS image sensor with ISO range 100 – 3200. When Lens wide open aperture is F 2.8  and minimum focal length is 23 mm. Whole optical system is capable of giving you 21x zooming.

Same as most of camera this is letting you to shoot 1080p video @30 fps. If you like to shoot true slow motion videos, you can step back to 480p and reach 120fps.



If you have done photography with a Android Smartphone, the experience would be similar here. You have a dedicated hardware shutter button. Other than that entire control goes in touch screen like in a Smartphone. For that there is a 4.8 inch SLCD display with 1280 x 720 px resolution which will give you 308 ppi of pixel density.


Operating System

Usually Android is limited to Phones and tablets. Breaking that barrier, Samsung Galaxy camera comes with latest Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. It’s customized to give priority to camera functions.

When it comes to shooting it’s letting you to manually control shutter speed, aperture and ISO to get what you exactly need if you are a PRO. For that they have designed interesting DSLR like interface as well. But for others there you can find Smart Pro mode. In that case you have to select the scenario and camera is choosing the best configuration for you.

Once you shoot the images and video you can enjoy then right in the camera in its huge screen. There is a advanced content manager to store and organize your images and videos. If you like to talk to camera and get your work done, yes you can do it with S Voice.

Finally it’s providing you image and video editing facility in camera. With Samsung Galaxy Camera you will never need the aid of computer to do even advance editing such as color correction and spot removal. It works for movies as well.



Connectivity is the magic in Samsung Galaxy Camera. It’s having 3G + Wi-fi version as well as 4G + Wi-fi version. So you can connect to high speed data network and save entire camera data in a cloud storage service which comes with camera. Other than that it’s having HDMI, GPS, Bluetooth and microUSB.

Using Wi-fi direct you can share images and videos with 8 other supported devices simultaneously. It’s not share after shooting, it’s shooting and sharing. As long as you have data network access you can do the same with social media as well.

Battery Life

Samsung Galaxy Camera comes with 1650 mAh Li-Ion battery. It’s not as big as in Smartphone, but will provide enough power to shoot many images and videos.


Never forget this device comes with latest Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. So whatever you can do with your Android phone, you can do it with Samsung Galaxy Camera. You can use calendar to manage your events, sync it with your phone calendar, send SMS, browse web and install application from Google Play. If you like to customize your home screen, you can drag and drop icons and even add widgets as well. It’s totally extending the power of Android Smartphone to a Camera.

Wrapping Up

If you are a photography lover you won’t be able to stop thinking about this amazing device. It’s not for professional photographer, but it’s the best camera for day to day photography. We have seen Smartphone which are having cameras. Now we have camera which is having a Smartphone. This is a great innovation by Samsung.

It’s a full camera package. You can shoot images, record videos, edit them right in the camera and send them anywhere in the globe through in built data connectivity. News reporters, this is the device for you. You can go to field, make multimedia rich news and send them to your website only with Samsung Galaxy Camera.

So guys, this is what I could find out about this amazing device. It took my breath away and can’t wait to own one. You can share what you feel about Samsung Galaxy Camera as a comment below and join email delivery to get our latest articles right in to your inbox.

Tags: #Android #Camera #Samsung

Google Sky Map for Android – Explore Night Sky

Evolution of mobile phone has come to the stage of mobile Smartphone today. It’s not only a communication device which you can use to make calls, send SMS or emails. It’s much more. Yes, you are already using it for web browsing, gaming, social media and even as a GPS navigator.

The capabilities of hardware wrapped up in Smartphone are amazing. Their creative applications are limitless. Previously I was talking about Torque, an application you could use to access the car computer and retrieve engine status via Bluetooth.

Today I’m going to tell you about another amazing application which utilizes wide set of hardware in your Smartphone. The app is Google Sky Map and let’s takes a closer look.


Getting Started with Google Sky Map

  • Go to Google Play and install Google Sky Map.
  • Open the app and give it few seconds to initialize.
  • It will show you a map of starts, their names and constellations etc.
  • Now point the phone to sky and look through it.
  • App will show you details of stars you can see on sky.
  • Once you pan the phone around it will change the view accordingly.

If you like to learn about night sky and its hidden mysteries, here you have the solution. You just turn your Android Smartphone in to a window to Sky. Let’s dig deep into app functions and settings.

  • Tap on the options key then go to settings.
  • There you can select what to show on the map, locations settings, sensor settings etc. Default would work for most people. Let’s go back.
  • You can use pinch to zoom to view more details about starts you are looking at.
  • Once you tap on the screen it will give you few on screen options. There you can select what to show on map, zoom in/out and manual panning
  •  If you want to search for a star, planet or any object, go to options -> Search. Type what you want and app will guide you there.
  • If you want to see the sky map of different date, use time travel under options.

How Google Sky Map Works?

The first thing to do here is come up with 3D sky map which won’t be a huge challenge to Google engineers. They have experience in creating Google Maps and street view. The next thing is change the view as you pan the phone. This could be challenging.

But your Smartphone wraps advanced hardware sensors. It has a digital compass and gyro sensor which will solve the above problem. App can get your horizontal panning with digital compass and vertical panning with gyro sensor.

Google Sky Map is a live example of creative combination of powerful hardware sensors and software in your Smartphone. Finally it turned out to be a very interesting and useful app.

Tags: #Android #Google

Android 4.2 Key Lime Pie – Rumors Round Up

Google is hosting an event on 29th October in New York. This is expected to be the release of new Android version as well as next Nexus device. According to alphabetical order what we have next is “K”. So probably Android 4.2 will be named as “Key Lime Pie”.

For the past few weeks WWW was flooded with rumors and leaks about LG made Nexus 4. There were pictures, specs and even tare downs. Most of those rumors were pretty consistent. So there is a high chance that Google will release this Nexus 4 on 29th.

The best thing ever happened to Android so far is Jelly Bean and it’s project butter. It solved most of the common problems in Android and paved its way to beat famous iOS.

But still there is a room for improvement. As an Android user I’m looking forward to see something amazing. Here I go with rumors round up for Android 4.2 Key Lime Pie.


Expected Features

Project Roadrunner

This is one of the most rumored and most expected features in Android platform. Previous project butter made the UI transitions smoother and improved battery life up to a certain level. The objective of project roadrunner is to make Android platform even energy efficient.

Most of the Android handsets today have bigger, more than 2000 mAh batteries. The result is bulky and heavy handsets. Even with all theses, practically they last only a day. After project roadrunner, manufactures will be able to come up with lighter handsets with smaller battery that still lasts a full day. Existing handsets with large batteries will probably last for few days.

Quick Settings

Pull down notification bar is a unique feature in Android and adopted by many other mobile OS as well.  With quick setting they are going to make it even smarter. As usual you will be able to pull down notification bar. Then you will be able to pull down another customizable “Quick Setting” panel as well.

Extended Security

Security is a major issue in any OS. Android developers will pay close attention to this aspect as well. The main 3 improvement in Android 4.2 key Lime Pie would be SELinux, VPN Lockdown and Premium SMS conformation. Click here to read more about it on AndroidPolice.

New Gmail

Gmail app for Android 4.1 Jelly Bean is good but where is pinch to zoom? When you get a huge image or HTML email, it’s a real pain to read it by scrolling around. By solving this problem Android 4.2 key Lime Pie will come with native Gmail app which has pinch to zoom as well as swipe to delete feature.

New Gallery

The gallery in Android 4.1 is pretty cool for me, nothing to complaint about. But they are going to improve it in Android 4.2. It will get more Google+ style look with this new UI revamp. There will be white strip down the album where it can display album name and some more information. Other than these UI alterations, entire operations would be same as before.

Wrapping Up

Out of all the above my personal favorites are project roadrunner and Gmail 4.2. I believe most of you guys will agree with me. I’m not sure whether I’d like quick settings or would it be unnecessary complexity. The feeling I have about the new Gallery is also pretty much same.

It’s not time to judge the next Android 4.2 Key Lime Pie. We are one week away from it and it’s going to be a long week for sure. I will talk more about it after 29th October.

Tags: #Android